Swiss upload 24,000 pictures in 24 hours
Swiss free daily 20 Minuten asked all users of its smart phone app to send in photos of what they were doing between 13 September 12:00 and 14 September 12:00.
Swiss free daily 20 Minuten asked all users of its smart phone app to send in photos of what they were doing between 13 September 12:00 and 14 September 12:00.
The printing house in Bat Yam where paid paper Ma’ariv used to be printed, could possibly transferred to Sheldon Adelson, the owner of Israeli free daily Israel Today.
This month the new Metro Photo Challenge started, with Metro editions all over the over the world paying attention to the challenge on their front page.
Misdrijven, ongelukken, aanrijdingen, branden, uitrukkende ziekenauto’s.
Wie als journalist wil werken, moet veel techniek in zijn of haar rugzak hebben. Van aankomende journalisten wordt verwacht dat […]
Een stads-soap in Het Parool. Het koor en orkest van de Westerkerk voeren oorlog met hun dirigent. Het koor zingt […]