A World of Fashion Through a Surreal Lens

It all started on Instagram. While at university, Natalie “Miss Aniela” Dybisz started posting self-portraits on the popular picture site, rapidly attracting a huge following. Today, she is one of the youngest and most promising (fashion) photographers on the scene. She has already published two books and her latest series Surreal Fashion, a delicate mix between fine art and fashion photography, has taken the world by storm, as it was exhibited by both Saatchi Gallery and Vogue Italia.

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4 dec. 1979: de Dag dat Franse commando’s de grote moskee van Mekka bevrijdden

Op 20 november, 1979, bezetten 400 rebellen onder leiding van Juhayman al Uteibi de Grote Moskee van Mekka. Zij eisten het aftreden van de Saoedische koning en het stichten van een ware Islamitische Staat onder leiding van de Mahdi. Het Saoedische leger bestormde de moskee maar, na weken strijd en honderden doden, moesten er Franse commando’s aan te pas komen om het heilige der heiligen op 4 december veilig te stellen. Het Saoedische koningshuis overleefde de revolutie. Juhayman werd ter dood veroordeeld, maar leeft voort als een bron van inspiratie voor jihadi’s van Al Qaida tot ISIS.

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Re-imagining the real: Joe Webb’s collage art

Curvy models set against the backdrop of a mushroom cloud, stargazing in a cup of coffee, vacuum cleaning the Sahara desert or a child on a swing that is attached to the moon: little is impossible in Joe Webb’s creative universe. The 39-year-old is one of Britain’s leading collage artists. Propelled by the Internet, where his work was ‘liked’ and ‘shared’ hundreds of thousands times, the London Saatchi Gallery earlier this year hosted a show of his collages, while the Royal Academy exhibited a selection of his silk screens.

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